Importance of Grievances Handling in Human Resources Management

  • Effective grievance handling is an essential part of cultivating good employee relations and running a fair, successful and productive workplace. Relationship building is the key to successful labor relations.
  • At first, good interpersonal relationships among individuals should be built in order to make a safe and cooperative working environment for employees where frustration and dissatisfaction would not arise.
  • Dissatisfaction of one worker would may create dissatisfaction of several workers which will lead to building an anti attitude towards management. This will lead to crisis situation where various conflicts may arise and which will interfere the smooth functioning of the organization. 
  • If frustration and perception of unfair treatment carried on, it will immediately lead to strikes and slowdowns and affect the activities and the productivity of the organization. 
  • Hence to maintain a good productivity level and to maintain a good labor management relationship, grievance handling mechanism should be an advanced mechanism.
  • If there is no effective grievance mechanism, it will lead to increasing of employee unrest which will give rise to employee frustration and dissatisfaction, employee turnover and finally affects the productivity of the organization. It is also important to mention that in-effective grievance handling mechanism will affect the employee moral, productivity and willingness to work.  

Why Grievance procedures are needed

Grievance procedure is necessary for any organisation due to the following reasons:

1. Most grievances seriously disturb the employees – This may affect their morale, productivity and their willingness to cooperate with the organisation. If an explosive situation develops, this can be promptly attended to if a grievance handling procedure is already in existence.

2. It is not possible that all the complaints of the employees would be settled by first Time supervisors, for these supervisors may not have had a proper training for the purpose, and they may lack authority. Moreover, there may be personality conflicts and other causes as well.

3. It serves as a check on the arbitrary actions of the management because supervisors know that employees are likely to see to it that their protest does reach the higher management.

4. It serves as an outlet for employee gripes, discontent and frustrations. It acts like a pressure valve on a steam boiler. The employees are entitled to legislative, executive and judicial protection and they get this protection from the grievance redressal procedure, which also acts as a means of upward communication.

5. The top management becomes aware of employee problems, expectations and frustrations. It becomes sensitive to their needs, and cares for their well-being.


Anon., 2020. educate. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 30 may 2020].


  1. through this points highlighted we clear get the idea why grievance procedure need.

  2. Hi shiran. What are the activities ,your company to take to minimize the grievances.

    1. Dear Hemantha,
      Thanks for raising this query. It is much important to know how an organization have structured the grievance handling depending on the type of organization. As I have explained in “Raising a formal grievance and outcome” as a common process, The bank has also published a unique procedure.
      -The grievance procedure is structured according to HR policies.
      -It is available in the internal internet website for easy access
      -Process is simply explained and a process chart is displayed so that every staff can understand process.
      -Head of Human Resources is the contact point and contact numbers are notified.
      -An Executive is also appointed under HHR for the process
      -Branch grievances are handled by Branch Manager as the first step through an informal way
      -Department Heads are handling informal grievances in respective departments.
      -Staff can reach HR department if a solution is not received at the first discussion
      -All grievances are handled by HRM with the assistance of Operations Department depend on the grievance.

  3. Shiran,as you said anti attitude of one dissatisfied employee towards the management can make a huge damage to the organization.What are the direct actions which can process to mitigate such situations?

    1. Dear Manujaya,
      Let’s see what sort of a person, a dissatisfied employee is.
      -The person is a late comer. His action inculcates others also to be late.
      -He gossip and spread rumors about other employees, management
      -They start talking behind their co-workers
      -Spread criticism about the management
      -Does not allow to work others and the person also will not work

      We can follow below steps to mitigate the issues at the initial stage
      -Talk to the employee personally
      -Explain him how his bad attitude might affect co-workers
      -Spread effective communication among him and other employees
      -Direct him towards organizational culture
      -Request him to take up extra curricular activities
      -Motivate the person and show him good perspectives of life
      -Contact Human Resources for any action to be taken if things does not work well.

  4. What are the main reasons for employees disappointing about the Org..?

    1. Hi Roshan,
      Expectation in something desired such as a connection with someone, hoping for a promotion or feeling betrayed can trigger disappointment, or basically unmet needs. To move past disappointment, we have to acknowledge and process our feelings; we have to determine how we will handle the disappointment or if we are looking at the disappointment from the right perspective.

  5. Dear Shiran, do you think that the grievance handling will help to motivate the employees.

    1. Yes Ajith, the purpose is to resolve issues and retain employees in an organization. on the other hand, It will improve the employees trust towards organization and motivate them for better engagement.

  6. Shiran.., any guesses of dissatisfied employees in our organizations in today's contest ...? and the simple solution for the same...?


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