The Difference between Raising a Grievance and Whistle-blowing

A grievance is making a complaint about something that affects you or your individual employment contract.For example, if your employer doesn't pay you on time, if you are demoted unfairly or given an unreasonable workload.

Whistleblowing matters are those raised by those concerned about workplace wrongdoing more generally - the whistleblower is usually the witness providing information to the employer about a concern which it is in the public interest to raise.

 What is meant by Whistle-blowing 

  • A whistleblower is someone who exposes secretive information or activity that is deemed to be illegal, unethical, or not correct within a private or public organization. 
  • Those who become whistleblowers can choose to bring information or allegations to surface either internally or externally.
  • Internally, a whistleblower can bring his/her accusations to the attention of other people within the accused organization such as an immediate supervisor. 
  • Externally, a whistleblower can bring allegations to light by contacting a third party outside of an accused organization such as the media, government, law enforcement or those who are concerned. 

The Role of Human Resources Management under Whistle-blowing
HRM and employers need to set up an internal processes to catch any potential risks, before they can explode into a damaging organizational public relations disaster.

Most corporate in-house Lawyers and corporate Compliance Officers would prefer to get an internal whistleblower complaint and deal with the problem before it gets more serious to the point where it might result in illegal activity. 

Human Resources Managers are responsible for all sorts of reasons, they don’t want problems to occur in their workplace of any kind that might be called 'white collar crime'. Therefore they want robust policies and internal whistleblower programs and to be able to try to nip things in the bud before they got worse or before a regulator starts to look into it.

Most responsible employers have been working at corporate compliance for years, even decades with solid corporate conduct policies and internal whistleblower hotlines. Then can ensure they follow up any complaints or concerns, to show that the company’s sincere about having ethical practices to have a standard reputation.

“It takes very little to lose a good reputation but it takes a lot to rebuild it.”


Anon., 2020. wikipedia. [Online] 
Available at:

Delmas, C., 2015. social theory and practice. In: The ethics of Government whistleblowing. s.l.:s.n., pp. 77-105.

Near, J. P. & Miceli, M. P., 1985. organizational dissidence. the case of whistle-blowing. journal of business ethics, Volume 4, pp. 1-16.


  1. Shiran ,Whistle-blowing is very important for the organization. What are the techniques or methods of checking the accuracy of the Facts ?

  2. Dear Shiran,
    Why would a company develop a whistle blowing policy?

    1. Dear Pubudu, mainly to secure below mentioned purposes
      -Discover misconduct and act against it sooner
      -Take care of things internally
      -Reduce losses when misconduct occurs
      -Build trust in the institution
      -Ensure legal compliance

  3. Hi Shiran,When solving problems on the Whistle-blowing method of resolving grievances, it is often possible to protect the confidentiality of those presenting grievances, and this is a very successful methodology within an organization.

    1. Yes Eranga, as you mentioned, whistle blowing is utilized locally and internationally. internally and by way of external sources. confidentiality causes the success of the process.

  4. Dear Shiran, have you experienced the whistle blowing in your organization

    1. Yes Ajith.
      Being a part in a financial institution, I have experienced the organization implementing policies and controls due to concerns raised through whistle blowing.


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