Identification of Employee Grievances

Methods of Identifying Grievances

The following are the main methods used by employers to identify grievances

1. Directive observation:

Knowledge of human behaviour is requisite quality of every good manager. From the changed behaviour of employees, he should be able to snuff the causes of grievances. This he can do without its knowledge to the employee. This method will give general pattern of grievances. In addition to normal routine, periodic interviews with the employees, group meetings and collective bargaining are the specific occasions where direct observation can help in unfolding the grievances.

2. Grip boxes:

The boxes (like suggestion boxes) are placed at easily accessible spots to most employees in the organisation. The employees can file anonymous complaints about their dissatisfaction in these boxes. Due to anonymity, the fear of managerial action is avoided. Moreover management’s interest is also limited to the free and fair views of employees.

3. Open door policy:

Most democratic by nature, the policy is preached most but practiced very rarely in organizations. But this method will be more useful in absence of an effective grievance procedure, otherwise the organisation will do well to have a grievance procedure. Open door policy demands that the employees, even at the lowest rank, should have easy access to the chief executive to get his grievances redressed.

4. Exit interview:

Higher employee turnover is a problem of every organisation. Employees leave the organisation either due to dissatisfaction or for better prospects. Exit interviews may be conducted to know the reasons for leaving the job. Properly conducted exit interviews can provide significant information about the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation and can pave way for further improving the management policies for its labor force.

The following methods also can be used  to identify grievances.

1. Grievance procedure:

A systematic grievance procedure is best means to highlight employee dissatisfaction at various levels. Management, to this end, must encourage employees to use it whenever they have anything to say. In the absence of such a procedure, grievances pile up and burst up in violent forms at a future date.

2. Opinion surveys:

Surveys may be conducted periodically to elicit the opinions of employees about the organization and its policies.

Anon., 2020. whatishumanresource. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 31 may 2020]


  1. What are the main disadvantages, due to unavailability of proper grievance handling system in an organization?

    1. Hi Malinda,
      It brings disadvantages for both management and employees of an organization in the absence of a proper grievance handling procedure.
      • Transfers, promotions and demotions
      • Suspensions
      • Unjustified disciplinary action
      • Unfair or disparate treatment
      • Failure to protect employees – eg : from harassment or harm
      • Unfairness in redundancies – eg : poor process or inadequate consultation
      • Involving the police in employment matters

  2. What are the causes of grievance in an organization?

    1. Hi Dilanka,
      Grievances occur due to variety of reasons.
      Main causes of grievances are as follows ;
      -Economic conditions
      -Work environment
      -Work group
      -Work Organization

  3. What are the benefits to an organization, implementing a grievance handling system?

    1. Dear Pubudu,
      Grievance handling has become an essential part of any organization. The procedure and structure might be vary depend on the size of the organisation. It gives benefits to both management and employee in their work environment. Few benefits are mentioned below;
      1. It helps to build an organizational climate based on openness and trust.
      2. It encourages employees to raise concerns without fear of reprisal
      3. It prevents minor disagreements developing into more serious disputes
      4. It provides a fair and speedy means of dealing with complaint
      5. It serves as an outlet for employee frustrations and discontents
      6. It saves employer’s time and money as solutions are found for workplace problems.

  4. What Can Be The Causes Of Grievances due to management policies ?

    1. Causes of grievances due to management policy can be identified as follows ;
      • Wage rates.
      • Leave policy.
      • Overtime.
      • Lack of career planning.
      • Role conflicts.
      • Lack of regard for collective agreement.
      • Disparity between skill of worker and job responsibility

  5. Hi Dinushi,

    Main causes of grievances has been mentioned above as a reply to Dilanka Fernando.
    Please refer same.
    Meanwhile, It is very much appropriate to have a structured grievance handling procedure in any organization in order to run successfully.
    Both management and employees can have best possible solutions for their grievances and it is vital to have a proper knowledge on how can a grievance be raised. As far as an employee is concerned, He or She should be able to drive the grievance until an acceptable solution is provided by the management.
    The management too can resolve the concerns of employees without establishing a violent behavior which can lead to a dissatisfaction of other employees also.


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